
June 2019

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

“Poplar Hawk Moth”  (20″ x 20″) a mezzotint engraving in an edition of 40, has been selected for this years Summer Exhibition and hung in Room V – a room dedicated to works concerned with the natural world and the catastrophe facing planet Earth.

August 2019

International Mezzotint Festival V

The International Festival of Mezzotint takes place every year in Yekaterinburg, Russia. This year, four of my works have been included in the exhibition at the Museum of fine Art that features 113 artists from 31 countries around the world. More about the event at

April 10th to May 12th 2019

Solo Exhibition Beaux Arts London

It’s that time again and I am very happy to be able to tell you of my forthcoming solo exhibition at Beaux Arts in London.  The show will run from April 11th – May 18th with an opening party on April 10th.  We are also planning a rather special evening on May 8th, featuring music... Read more »

1st May - 31st December

Artist in Residence at Dartington

Some months ago Dartington Arts asked me to be their Artist in Residence on the beautiful Dartington Hall Estate here in Devon.  Today I picked up the keys to what is a stunning space in the old Aller Park School building.  Aller Park has been largely empty since around 1998 and is in poor shape…... Read more »

17th - 21st January 2018

London Art Fair 2018

The London Art Fair rolls around again in January. All this year I have been in the studio, developing a new body of works in oil on gessoed panel.  This year Beaux Arts will present a selection of these new paintings at the fair, alongside pieces from Michael Craig Martin, Patrick Heron and David Bomberg. ... Read more »

1 October 2017 - 3 December 2017

Royal West of England Academy

Peppered Moths – will be exhibited at the 165th RWA Annual Open Exhibition . The ‘Open’ is always a fascinating survey of new work by Academicians and others, displayed across all of the magnificent rooms at the RWA’s Queens Road site in Bristol.  See link for opening times and directions.   ‘Peppered Moths’ – Charcoal and... Read more »

13th June to 20th August

Royal Academy Summer Exhibiton

Delighted, once again, to have a mezzotint engraving selected and hung at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Blackbird is in room Vll – Rebecca Salter RA’s fabulous print room.  At 4″ X 4″ it’s possibly the smallest piece in the whole show but easy to find right above Richard Davey’s wall text. If you can’t make... Read more »

May 2017


Currently in France on the Irving residency. Drawing in the field, reading and thinking about what’s next…